Inulin Powder Food Grade

What is Inulin and Inulin Powder Food Grade

What is Inulin

Inulin (Inulin), also known as inulin, derived from the chrysanthemum taro block root, is a natural fructose polymer formed from fructose linked by D-furan fructose molecules with a β- (2,1) glycoside bond.Each inulin molecule ends a glucose residue with a α- (1,2) glycoside bond, with polymerization usually 2 – 60 and average polymerization of 10, where the polymerization is low (D P = 2 – 9) can be called oligaccharides

As a natural soluble dietary fiber, inulin is almost not hydrolyzed and digested by gastric acid, but is fermented by a large number of beneficial microorganisms in the colon, so it has a variety of health care functions, such as controlling blood lipid, lowering blood sugar, improving intestinal function, promoting mineral absorption, etc.

Inulin can not only be used as a fat substitute for low-energy food production, but also has the physiological function of dietary fiber and probiotics, which is an excellent functional food substrate.At present, inulin is widely used in the medical and health care industry, food industry and other fields

What is Source of chrysanthemum powder

Inulin Powder Food Grade
Inulin Powder Food Grade

Inulin, also known as inulin, as one of the storage methods of plant energy, is widely distributed in nature, containing more than 30,000 kinds of plants.Certain bacteria and fungi also contain inulin, but the main sources are plants, including 11 families, Platinaceae, Laceae, Hemaceae in monocots

Inulin Powder Food Grade content in some common plants

Plant Name Inulin Content (g/100g)

  • Wheat 1~4
  • Onion 2~6
  • Leek 3~10
  • Days Winter 10~15
  • Chicory 13~18
  • taro 14~17
  • Garlic 9~16
  • Banana 0.3~0.6
  • Dandelion 12~15
  • Brahminshen 4~11
  • dahlia 15~20

Raw materials and process flow of Inulin Powder Food Grade production

In the world, taro and chicory are mainly used for industrial production of inulin.Western European countries such as Belgium and the Netherlands use mainly chicory as ingredients, while in China taro is produced.

What is jerusalem artichoke of Inulin Powder Food Grade

Chrysanthemum taro, commonly known as ginger, is a perennial herb in the family Chrysanthemum aceae, barren and drChrysanthemum taro, commonly known as ginger, is a perennial herb in the family Chrysanthemum aceae, barren and drought, low requirements for climate and soil conditions, strong adaptability.Many areas of China are planted, the general per mu production of chrysanthemum taro tuber 2 000-4 000kg, is a good raw material for the processing and production of inulin and its products

What is witloof

Chicory is a biennium suitable for growth in a marine climate, and is a commonly cultivated vegetable variety in Western Europe (such as the Netherlands) countries.In 1993, the EU included taro and chicory in the European new crop development plan, and eight EU countries are currently promoting excellent new varieties of taro and chicory

Domestic inulin processing technology mainly includes water heat method and microwave method Inulin Powder Food Grade

The hydrothermal process is as follows: Pretreated chrysanthemum taro → hot water extraction → concentrated → activated carbon centrifugation → supernatant was removed by sevag, and → centrifugation → 95% ethanol precipitation → overcation and anion exchange resin →.

microwave method:The process is as follows: wire → weighing → add water microwave immersion → slag juice filter → to remove impurities → achromination and concentrate

Inulin Powder Food Grade can Control blood fat

A large number of trials have confirmed that inulin can reduce serum total cholesterol (TC) and low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), improve the high density lipoprotein / low density lipoprotein (H D L / L DL) ratio, and improve blood lipid status

As a dietary fiber, inulin can absorb intestinal fat and form a fat-fiber complex discharged with feces, contributing to the decrease of blood lipid levels

Inulin produces short-chain fatty acids during the fermentation of the intestinal flora, mainly including acetic acid, propionic acid, butyrate, and lactic acid.Short-chain fatty acids, absorbed by intestinal epithelial cells into the blood, can provide energy to the body and regulate metabolism.

Inulin Powder Food Grade can Reduce blood sugar

For diabetic patients, a reasonable arrangement of diet is the main method of treatment.Inulin tastes slightly sweet and is a fructose polymer, which is basically not decomposed or absorbed through the human mouth, stomach and small intestine. Therefore, consuming inulin from the mouth will not affect the blood sugar level, and can be made as diabetic food.

The mechanism of inulin reducing the levels of blood sugar has attracted more and more attention from scientists.Some scholars believe that the inulin viscosity is high, leading to an increase in the intestinal mucosa thickness, thus reducing the glucose absorption;

Inulin Powder Food Grade Improve intestinal function

Inulin is a probiotic, which (Prebiotics) is an undigested food component able to selectively stimulate and promote the growth and vitality of one or several colon beneficial for host health

Inulin can ferment in the human colon, making bifidobacterium proliferation 5-10-fold, but also can inhibit the growth of potentially harmful bacteria, and has a significant improvement effect on diarrhea caused by constipation and abuse of antibiotics.

After inulin fermentation in the colon, it improves the microbial flora and gas volume, so as to promote intestinal peristalsis, shorten the residence time of feces in the colon, accelerate the movement, reduce the water absorption time, increase the weight of feces, and effectively prevent constipation

Inulin Powder Food Grade Promote mineral absorption

Dietary fiber in a daily diet can reduce the intestinal absorption of certain minerals.However, inulin, as a soluble dietary fiber, intake does not inhibit the absorption of mineral elements, but instead promotes the absorption of mineral elements such as C a2+, M g2+, Z n2+, C u2+, and Fe2+

Inulin Powder Food Grade Development, application and prospect of inulin

Inulin has been approved as a nutritional supplement to food by several countries in the world.The province of Japan approved inulin as a specific health food for a variety of foods.

The FDA approved inulin as a recognized safety-grade food ingredient.Europe uses it widely as a functional sweetener to control cholesterol levels.

The production of inulin in China has also been widely used in the medical and health care industry and the food industry

Inulin is mostly used as a functional ingredient for food, current food applications: alternative sweeteners for chocolate products; oil for cream and ice cream; improved low fat cheese characteristics and taste, inulin can stabilize the structure of water or fat, improve cheese properties (such as daub) and texture, while replacing whey or starch derivatives; enhanced dietary fiber for products to provide whole fat products for milk, yogurt, dairy drinks and soy products

What are the functions of Inulin Powder Food Grade

Inulin (Inulin) is a linear straight chain polysaccharide made of fructose connected by β (2※1) bond, often ended with a glucose, polymerization DP usually between 2 ~ 60, and inulin is actually a mixture of multiple different polymerization fructose.frucosaccharides with lower polymerization (DP=2 ~ 9) are commonly known as oligosaccharides, fructose with 10 ~ 30 is usually called polysaccharides, and frucosaccharides with polymerization higher than 40 are commonly known as polysaccharides.

Where is the source of Inulin Powder Food Grade

Inulin, also known as inulin, as one of the ways of plant energy storage, is widely distributed in nature, its content can be found in over 30,000 plants and reserve their energy.Certain bacteria and fungi also contain inulin, but the main source is plants

What is Artaro of Inulin Powder Food Grade

Artaro (Jerusalem ArtichokeHelianthustuberos-us) and chicory (Chicory) are best used as ingredients for inulin production, which are rich in sources and have high inulin content representing about 70% of the dry weight of their tubers.Chrysanthemum taro is a perennial herb in the chrysanthemum family sunflower, also known as foreign ginger, devil ginger, the underground stem contains fructose polysaccharides.The stem is erect, 2 ~ 3m, high leaf ovate, apex pointed, green, flattened stem with irregular protrusion, flower yellow, and tuber wedge.According to the tuber skin color can be divided into red, white, purple, red and other yellow varieties, barren and drought, strong adaptability, there are sporadic planting in China

What is Boricory of Inulin Powder Food Grade

Boricory is a perennial herb in the family Boricaceae with erect stems, hollow angular, more branched, glossed, blue, seed wedge, thousand grains weighing 1.2 ~ 1.5g.Suitable for growing in marine climates, it is a commonly grown vegetable variety in Western European countries.

What is oligofructose of Inulin Powder Food Grade

Oligofructose is also widely exist in a variety of plants, in daily food such as banana, garlic, honey, onion, wheat, is good water soluble dietary fiber, is fully meet with prebiotics standard typical double ambiguity factor, is one of the most detailed health function oligosaccharides, with its superior physiological function has become widely popular functional food ingredients in the international food market, but because the natural plant content is generally not high, mainly through industrialization methods to large-scale production

The objectionable nature of Inulin Powder Food Grade

Inulin is white or milky amorphous powder, slightly sweet and soluble in water, 10% aqueous solution pH is neutral, melting point 178℃, solubility increases with temperature, 6% at 10w℃, 35% at 90 w℃, inulin chemical stable under high temperature and pH> 4, and small decomposition at pH<3.7.It was also found that when the temperature was below 10℃, pH never resolved between 3.0 ~ 7.5

Inulin Powder Food Grade Are fructooligosaccharides soluble in water

Oligofructose is easily soluble in water and is generally 30% ~ 60% sweet of sucrose. Within the usual food pH range (4.0 ~ 7.0), oligosaccharide has quite good thermal stability when it is in pH below 3. 8 The acidic environment depends on the temperature and time, high temperature and heating time are easy to decompose, but can still be very stable under acidic low temperature, add lactic acid drinks, cold drinks, juice, jam, canned fruit, in cold conditions, 1 ~ for 6 months is still very stable, so it can be widely used in various foods,

Inulin Powder Food Grade Production process of inulin and oligo-fructose

Internationally, two raw materials are mainly used for industrial production of chrysanthemum powder, namely, taro and chicory.Western European countries such as Belgium and the Netherlands use mainly chicory as ingredients, while in China taro is produced.Despite the different raw materials, the processes used are basically similar

Inulin Powder Food Grade Industrial production methods of oligosaccharides

There are two methods available for oligosaccharides. One is the polymerization 2-9 produced by enzymysis or acid lysis. The fructose molecule in oligosaccharides is connected by β (2※1) glycoside bond. Its structural form is mainly Fn type (F is the fructose molecule, n is the number of fructose molecules, F1-F2-F3-F4…Fn), and it also contains a certain amount of fructose type oligosaccharides

Another method is to connect sucrose triose, sucrose quadruprose, sucrose pentose, sucrose hexose and its mixtures on the sucrose molecule. This process was first successfully studied by Japan in 1983. At present, most domestic enterprises use the technology to produce sucrose fructose oligofructose.

Low calorie value, can do low (no) energy food, to prevent obesity

Due to the specific chemical structure of inulin, dietary fiber is not digested and absorbed in the human mouth, stomach and small intestine, but will be fermented and degraded by some beneficial bacteria (Bifidobacteria, etc.) to produce short chain fatty acids (acetic acid, propionic acid and butyric acid), producing heat values less than 1.5Kcal/g,. Therefore, become a typical low-hot food ingredients, inulin is often used to replace sucrose and fat to reduce food calories

Inulin Powder Food Grade Adjusting blood sugar levels does not cause blood sugar fluctuations

Inulin tastes slightly sweet and is a fructose polymer, which is basically not decomposed or absorbed through the human mouth, stomach and small intestine. Therefore, consuming inulin from the mouth will not affect the blood sugar level, and can be made as diabetic food

Two-way regulation of intestinal flora, improve intestinal function to prevent constipation and diarrhea

Inulin can ferment in the human colon, making bifidobacterium proliferation of 5 ~ 10 times, but also can inhibit the growth of potentially harmful bacteria, which has a significant improvement on diarrhea caused by constipation and abuse of antibiotics.Because inulin is longer than oligosaccharide polymerization chain, fermentation rate is slower than oligosaccharides, and human tolerance is relatively high, it can also stimulate metabolic effects at the end of the large intestine and have beneficial effects on the flora

Inulin Powder Food Grade Suphibit toxic fermentation products, protect the liver, and prevent colon cancer

Bifidobacterium is beneficial bacteria in humans, and the reduction of bifidobacterium is considered to be important causes of aging, decreased body immunity and tumorigenesis.

The remaining residue after digestion and absorption reaches the colon, Under the action of intestinal saphyobacteria (Escherichia E. coli, Clostridium, Bacteroides, etc.),

Many toxic metabolites such as ammonia (liver toxin), amine (liver toxin), nitroamine (carcinogen), phenol and toluphenol (pro-carcinogen), secondary bile acids (colon cancer promoters), etc, Inulin intake can significantly increase the growth of bifidobacterium, To bits the growth of corrupt bacteria, Reduce the generation of toxic products, And has adsorption chelate and effect on toxic fermentation products

Remove corrupt products and bacterial toxins, Can purify the liver and intestinal circulation and nutritional synthesis, Can reduce its stimulation to the intestinal wall, Short-chain fatty acids (including acetic acid, propionic acid, and butyric acid) resulting from inulin metabolic degradation, Can reduce the intestinal pH, Supbits the growth of prophytes

Promote the absorption of calcium, magnesium, iron and other minerals

It is shown that inulin intake increases the absorption of important minerals (such as Ca, Mg, Fe) and increases the density of minerals in the bones,

Promote vitamin synthesis

Promote vitamin synthesis

The metabolites of inulin can promote the natural formation of vitamin B1, B2, B3, B6, B12 and folic acid, thus improving the level of human metabolism and improving immunity and disease resistance

Inulin Powder Food Grade Safety of inulin, oligosfructose

Few reports have been made that inulin and oligosaccharides are toxic to humans and animals. According to existing international and domestic studies, there is no reason to believe that inulin, oligosaccharides or its metabolites applied in food, but relevant documents prove that inulin and oligosaccharides are beneficial to humans.

The chemical structure of oligosaccharides is clear, and has been recognized as a functional food ingredient in China, widely used in food, health care products and other fields.

In 2000, FDA identified oligosaccharides as a recognized safety substance (GRAS) in 2003, and in 2003 inulin as a recognized safe substance (GRAS).

Introduction to Inulin Powder Food Grade and oligo-fructose applications

Inulin production and application in western European countries since the 1980s, after more than 20 years of development, has been widely used in the medical care industry, food industry, in Japan and Europe, in each food category of more than 500 kinds of products, using the characteristics of inulin, mainly can be process four categories of food:

  • 1. low fat and low heat food;
  • 2. high fiber food;
  • 3. Probiotic food;
  • 4. health food

Inulin Powder Food GradeInju powder application field

Inju powder application field
  • Dairy products: applied to formula milk powder, sour milk, milk drinks, milk tablets, liquid milk.Dairy products are the ideal food system for using inulin
  • Drink: high fiber juice drinks, functional drinks, sports drinks, solid drinks, plant protein drinks, jelly foods after adding inulin
  • Low fat, low calorie food: low fat cream, low fat daub food, low energy mayonnaise, frozen dessert, ice cream, chocolate, candy and other foods,
  • Roast products: cakes, biscuits, bread are used to develop new concept products, such as probiotic bread, high fiber bread, etc
  • Health food: as the raw materials and carrier of constipation, diabetes, obesity and other health food

Inulin Powder Food Grade Field of oligomer fructose applications

Field of oligomer fructose applications
  • 1 dairy products: infant milk powder, pure milk, seasoning milk, fermented milk, lactic acid bacteria drinks, various milk powder, etc.
  • 2. drinks: carbonated drinks, milk drinks, fruit juice drinks, tea drinks, nutrition drinks, powder drinks, etc.
  • 3. candy cake: all kinds of soft candy, hard sugar, cowhide candy, chocolate, all kinds of cookies, western pastry, etc.
  • 4. Dessert Heart: pudding, jelly, gel food, etc.
  • 5. health food: health wine, various health food
  • 6 Other: meat products, aquatic products, jam, honey, etc.

Example of oligo-fructose application of Inulin Powder Food Grade

Example of oligo-fructose application

The function of oligosaccharides can have effects for different groups, for example, teenagers are in the period of physical growth and development, need to consume large amounts of nutrients to meet normal growth and development, need to consider the appropriate addition of intelligence-enhancing substances (such as lecithin, DHA, AA, linolenic acid), promote the absorption of calcium and other minerals (such as oligosaccharides), and soybean oligoseric peptides and glutamine to reduce fatigue

What is Physical and chemical characteristics of Inulin Powder Food Grade

What is Physical and chemical characteristics of inulin

Inulin is a mixture of multiple fructose of different polymerization degrees.Dry inulin is a white amorphous, wet absorption powder.Its solubility in water varies by temperature, at about 6 g / (100 mL H2O), compared to about 35 g / (100mL H2O) [4] at 90℃.The viscosity of inulin solution increases with its content and decreases with increasing temperature.At the concentration of 10% ~ 30%, the gel formation began, and the concentration of 40% ~ 50% was to form a very solid gel.The inulin gel is creamy and very similar to fat

What is Functional properties of Inulin Powder Food Grade

What is Functional properties of inulin

As a functional food raw material, inulin has the dual effect of dietary fiber and prebiotics.Inulin is basically not decomposed or absorbed in the mouth, stomach and small intestine, and does not affect the blood sugar level and insulin content in the blood.Propionate production can also inhibit gluconeogenesis, reduce plasma free fatty acids levels, and promote enhanced insulin resistance

Inulin in the stomach water absorption expansion can form high viscosity colloids, it is not easy to produce hunger and can extend the emptying time of the stomach, but also can form complexes with protein, fat and other substances in the small intestine, inhibit the absorption of these substances, to achieve the purpose of weight loss

Application in dairy products Inulin Powder Food Grade

Application in dairy products

Inulin can serve as a good fat substitute in different dairy products.Inulin not only changes the rheological characteristics, viscosity and hardness of dairy products, but also changes the taste properties of the product that are creamy and soft

Inulin Powder Food Grade Application in beverage products

Application in beverage products

High fiber juice drinks, functional drinks, sports drinks, solid drinks, plant protein drinks after add inulin, in addition to can replace fat and sugar, improve the water binding ability of the product, increase viscosity, but also can increase the product dietary fiber and oligosaccharide function, improve the absorption rate of calcium, magnesium, iron and other minerals by more than 20%, and can hide the bitter, give a person a soft feeling, make the beverage flavor stronger, better texture

Inulin Powder Food Grade Application in face products

Application in face products

It has been shown that the addition of inulin increases the elasticity and toughness of the dough and increases its stability.This may be due to the interaction between inulin or inulin or proteins enhancing the elasticity of the gluten network

Application in fish and meat products

Application in fish and meat products

The fat content of fish and meat products is relatively high, the use of inulin to replace part of the fat, can process fish with health function and do not lose the flavor of the product and meat products

The production and application of inulin in western European countries began in 1986. At present, developed countries have widely applied it to medicine, health care products, food industry and other fields for processing low-fat and low-heat food, high-fiber food, probiotics food and health food.Inulin has been approved as a nutritional supplement for food by several countries around the world.China’s inulin industry is just starting out.

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