Aloe vera extract has a long and wide using history in food, drugs and beauty products.

Anthraquinone compound is the main active ingredients of Aloe, it contains barbaloin (also called as aloin, aloe-emodin), aloe-emodin anthranol, isobarbaloin, alomycin, aloin A, aloesin and so on. Barbaloin is the basic component, which can hydrolysis into aloe-emodin under the action of bacterial parasite in human body. Aloe-emodin can stimulate the move of intestinal wall, so it has effective function to adjust the intestine and stomach action of intestine and stomach.
Aloe vera extract function

1. Aloe vera extract powder used to promote the blood circulation;
2. Aloe vera extract powder used to whitening and moisturizing skin;
3. Aloe vera extract powder with the function of anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory;
4. Aloe vera P.E. can eliminate the pain and treating hangover, sickness, seasickness;
5. Aloe vera P.E. has effect on preventing skin being damaged from UV radiation and making skin soft and elastic.
Aloe vera extract application

1.Food additives, it is used as nutritious supplementary pharmaceutical.
2.Pharmaceutical field, it is used to treating constipation and expelling of toxin and treating and has the function of promoting tissue regeneration and anti-inflammatory.
3.The fields of food and health product , aloe contains a lot of amino acids, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, which can help body with better health care.
4.Cosmetic field, it is able to nourish and cure the skin.